How it started...
Zane P. Meyer
By the grace of God, He saved me by His power when I was eight years old. The Lord showed me that I was a sinner in need of a Saviour, and that Jesus was that Saviour. God began calling me to serve Him in ministry when I was eleven and and was very persistent. At age fifteen I surrendered to the calling of God, recognizing that true joy comes in knowing and serving the Saviour. I have been blessed with being able to do ministry in five countries on three continents regularly since, 2016. God has moved in spite of myself and He alone is worthy of the glory. God has burdened my heart to start ROBED IN ZEAL to help challenge and encourage fellow believers to deny the flesh, follow Him, grow spiritually, and to serve Him with all their heart so that an impact would be made for the Kingdom of God!